Parish Pastoral Council
Purpose: members connect with parish committees to ensure parish needs are identified and addressed; also provide leadership for the parish.
Contact: Fr. Randy Howard, (270) 842-7777 x110
Meetings: 1st Thursday of each month; three-year commitment
Finance Committee
Purpose: to plan and oversee parish budget and finances.
Contact: Fr. Randy Howard, (270) 842-7777 x110; Jane Wilson (Chair)
Meetings: monthly or as needed
Stewardship Committee
Purpose: to develop methods and means to call people to intentional discipleship and stewardship.
Contact: Leslie Pfingston, (270) 842-7777 x103
Office Volunteers
Purpose: to assist with general office tasks and/or serve as office receptionist.
Contact: Leslie Pfingston, (270) 842-7777 x103
Money Counters
Purpose: to ensure proper accounting for church collections and funds.
Contact: Leslie Pfingston, (270) 842-7777 x103
Meetings: weekly
Building Committee
Purpose: to oversee concerns, problems, and repairs for all buildings on parish property.
Contact: David Suggs, (270) 842-7777 x108
Meetings: as needed
Grounds Committee
Purpose: to assist in maintaining landscaping; small projects as needed
Contact: Steve Bowra, (270) 791-8934; David Suggs, (270) 842-7777 x108
Meetings: as needed
Adult Faith Opportunities
Purpose: to afford adults educational and spiritual opportunities for life-long faith formation
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105 or individual course facilitators
Meetings: as scheduled by course or study offered
OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation of Adults)
Purpose: to provide the universal Church ritual for adults interested in coming into full communion with the Catholic Church
through receiving the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: weekly, Thursdays 6:00-8:00 pm in Wonder/Awe
OCIC (Order of Christian Initiation adapted for children)
Purpose: to provide an adaptation of the adult rite, suitable for children age 7 and beyond, who are interested in coming into
full communion with the Catholic Church by receiving the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Eucharist and/or Confirmation
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: weekly, Sundays 10:15-11:15 am in Lambs
Ministers of Care to the Sick
Purpose: to unite those confined to home, hospital or nursing care facility with the larger community through weekly visitation and shared Eucharist.
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: weekly, Fridays 9 a.m. and Sundays following morning liturgy
Marriage Preparation Sponsor Couples
Purpose: to journey with engaged couples as they prepare for marriage
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: as announced
Marriage Enrichment Team
Purpose: to prepare annual “Celebrate Your Marriage” event
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: as announced
Grace Marriage Team
Purpose: to prepare & facilitate quarterly Grace Marriage mini-retreats
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105, David or Carolyn Fusting, 859-327-9819
Meetings: as announced
Grace Marriage
Purpose: to enhance and enrich your marriage through intentionality and God’s Grace
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: monthly + at home
Learn more about & register for Grace Marriage
Ministry of Praise
Purpose: to lift the needs of the parish in prayer and assist with the Church mission to “pray without ceasing.”
Often these individuals are confined to home or are limited in some way.
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: this is a time commitment at home
Natural Family Planning
Purpose: to educate couples in Church advocated Natural Family Planning methodology.
The information session is also required of all those preparing for marriage.
Contact: Martha Winn, (270) 796-2972
Meetings: as announced
Meals for Moms & Dads
Purpose: to provide support (via meals) for families celebrating a new birth
Contact: Sylann Smith, (270) 320-0531
Meetings: this is a time commitment at home
Men’s Prayer
Purpose: to encourage men in study, faith-sharing and prayer
Contact: David Lewis, (270) 303-2059
Meetings: Weekly, Tuesday evenings 6:30-8pm in Pentecost
Book Discussion Group
Purpose: to read and discuss books that bring our faith alive.
Contact: Lois Schwitzgebel, 270-202-1009
Meetings: 1st and 3rd Wednesday of the month from 10:00am-noon in the church library. During Lent, every Wednesday from 10:00am-noon.
Lectio Divina
Purpose: to grow in knowledge of the Lord and of self through this traditional prayer discipline
Contact: Raeanne Allande, (270) 842-7777 x105
Meetings: last Tuesday of each month 10:30am-noon in Pentecost
“At His Feet” Bible Study
Purpose: to provide ongoing opportunity for studying the bible and learning the faith
Contact: Mike & Kathy Byrne, (270) 842-7999; Pat & Ruth Mysinger, (270) 622-3160
Meetings: Sundays between the Masses in Spirit Hall
Koinonia Leadership Team
Purpose: to provide continuity and Catholic form to the annual Koinonia retreat experience.
Contact: Steve Keene (270) 779-6739
Meetings: as needed
Living Liturgically
Purpose: to assist one another with creating a Catholic culture in our daily lives through prayer and dialogue
Contact: Mike & Kathy Byrne, 270-791-7940
Meetings: 3rd Wednesday of each month, 6:00-8:00pm
Good Samaritans
Purpose: to help others in and outside of our parish family with material needs such as home repairs, yard work, home visits, prayer and sharing the Gospel.
Contact: A Good Samaritan, 270-598-1437
Meetings: 4th Wednesday of each month, 6:00-8:00pm
WOW (Women of Wisdom)
Purpose: to grow in wisdom and knowledge of the Lord.
Contact: Raeanne Allande, 270-842-7777 x105
Meetings: weekly on Tuesdays, 6:00-7:30pm
Faith Formation Stations (Kindergarten through 6th grade)
Purpose: to provide age appropriate faith formation for children
Contact: Allison Steen-Baker, (270) 842-7777 x106
Meetings: classes are held between Sunday Masses (10:15-11:15) twice a month
First Sacraments Preparation Team
Purpose: to assist in coordinating parish celebrations, family retreats, and parent meetings for those preparing to receive Sacraments of Reconciliation and Eucharist.
Contact: Allison Steen-Baker, (270) 842-7777 x106
Meetings: as needed
Young Children’s Liturgy of the Word (ages 3-5)
Purpose: to provide formation for children ages 3-5 in a liturgical experience appropriate for their development level
Contact: Allison Steen-Baker, (270) 842-7777 x106
Meetings: rotational schedule, during 9am Mass
Children’s Liturgy of the Word (ages 6-8)
Purpose: to provide formation for children grades K-2 in a liturgical experience appropriate for their development level
Contact: Allison Steen-Baker, (270) 842-7777 x106
Meetings: rotational schedule, during 9am Mass
Vacation Bible School - from 9 am-12:00 noon - June 2-6, 2025
Purpose: to engage children in the life of Jesus through music, storytelling and crafts.
Click here to learn more!
Contact: Allison Steen-Baker, (270) 842-7777 x106
Meetings: as needed, VBS is held for 1 week during the summer
St. Joseph School
Purpose: to provide instruction in the Catholic faith as well as secular academic subjects. Preschool and after-school programs also offered.
Contact: Rodney Schwartz, Principal, (270) 842-1235
Funeral Meals
Purpose: to provide hospitality via a meal for families after the funeral of a loved one
Contact: Sharon McKay, 901-1815; Rita Parrott , 796-4746
Meetings: as needed
Get Up and Go
Purpose: to provide fellowship via a potluck luncheon
Contact: Ginny French, 270-790-9031
Meetings: 2nd Wednesday September thru May, after 12:05 Mass
Purpose: to provide fellowship and service; quilts donated to centers in need
Contact: Barbara Eadens, (270) 535-3801
Meetings: Wednesdays, 9:00am-noon in Patience & Kindness
Contact: Kelly Lewis, (270) 842-7777 x104 or [email protected]
Liturgy Core Group
Purpose: an appointed group to set goals, direction and standards for the Liturgical life of the parish
Contact: Kelly Lewis, (270) 842-7777 ext. 104
Meetings: as needed
Altar Servers
Purpose: To serve the Altar and assist the Priest at Liturgy
Contact: Billy Mills, (270) 784-0935
Meetings: on-going training. Rotational schedule.
Extraordinary Ministers of the Eucharist
Purpose: to assist in ministering the Eucharist at Liturgy
Contact: Mary Ellen Krohn, (270) 782-8170
Meetings: on-going training. Rotational schedule.
Greeters/Ministers of Hospitality
Purpose: to assist and welcome the assembly arriving for Liturgy
Contact: Penny Payne, (270) 781-1528
Meetings: on-going training. Rotational schedule.
Lectors of the Holy Word
Purpose: to proclaim the Word of God at Liturgy
Contact: Barbara DeFebbo, (270) 991-9272
Meetings: on-going training. Rotational schedule.
Ushers/Ministers of Hospitality
Purpose: to assist the assembly through seating, offertory collection and procession to Eucharist
Contact: Mark Minotti, (513) 256-7086
Meetings: on-going training. Rotational schedule.
Liturgical Art and Environment
Purpose: to prepare the environment for Liturgical seasons through quality decor
Contact: Kelly Lewis, (270) 842-7777 ext. 104
Meetings: seasonal
Sacristan Ministry
Purpose: to set up for Mass; care and maintenance of Liturgical vestments, vessels, linens and candles.
Contact: Nancy Irons, (270) 791-3630; Martha Winn
Meetings: on-going training. Rotational schedule.
Eucharistic Adoration Team
Purpose: to recognize continually and publicly the Real Presence of Jesus in the Eucharist through Adoration
on the first Wednesday of every month (12:30-5:45pm)
Contact: Rosemary Brown (270) 393-9265
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 x107 or [email protected]
Parish Choir
Purpose: a mixed-voice choir for 7th grade through adult and are open without audition, however, a brief voice assessment is required for proper section placement. The parish choir commitment is typically 1-2 Sundays a month, as well as at Feast Days throughout the year. Other ensembles are formed throughout the year to augment the singing of the assembly and support the Liturgy.
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 ext. 107
Rehearsals: Thursdays in St. Cecilia Music Room at 6:00 pm (Mid Sept. – May)
Cantor/Psalmist Ministry
Purpose: individuals from the parish choir work with the Director of Music and will learn to animate the assembly and may also learn to present the Word of God through Psalms and Acclamations. There is an initial training to be placed in this rotation, and annual training updates. Cantors/Psalmist rotate through all the weekend Masses.
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 ext. 107
Rehearsals: To Be Decided
Kidz Jam – Children’s Choir
Purpose : Open to children in grades 2-6; Students will learn the basics of singing together as an ensemble, and lead our congregation in song for our early Christmas Eve Mass, as well as occasionally as needed throughout the year.
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 ext. 107
Rehearsals: To Be Decided – watch the bulletin!
Purpose: competent acoustic & bass guitar, brass, woodwind, drum set, or string players who with a desire to commit to this ministry predominantly at 11:30 Mass and as needed during Christmas and Holy Week.
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 ext. 107
Rehearsals: Scheduled by appointment with Music Director
Sound Ministry
Purpose: A weekly ministry devoted to ensuring the church & sound system, microphones and backline equipment are cared for at a high quality. Prior experience is preferred, Initial training required, and ongoing development will be periodically provided. This ministry is open to interested high school ages through adults. Service hours and Independent study are available for high school and college students should it be requested. A stipend may be offered for outside events such as weddings or funerals as needed.
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 ext. 107; Eric Tuttle, (931) 980-2676
Meetings: Scheduled on a rotating basis
Media Ministry
Purpose: A new ministry devoted to LIVE Streaming our 9:00 am weekend Mass, as well as other masses or events as deemed necessary throughout the year. Initial Training will be provided as well as ongoing development opportunities to be periodically provided. A stipend may be offered if asked to livestream outside events such as funerals and or weddings.
Contact: Bill Rankin, (270) 842-7777 ext. 107
Meetings: 8:30 am Sundays or as needed – individuals scheduled on a rotating basis.
Knights of Columbus
Purpose: fraternal order of Catholic men that provides support for the Church and various charities
Contact: Chuck Ledford, Grand Knight; Dave Chandler (270) 842-5630
Meetings: 2nd Tuesday of each month
St. Joseph’s Cemetery Committee
Purpose: to oversee the upkeep and maintenance of the Catholic cemetery
To request a burial or entombment contact Dave Alexandar at (270) 202-8893
Otherwise contact: John Knepler (270) 843-8431, Allen Freeland (270) 781-9885
St. Vincent De Paul Conference
Purpose: to provide food/service/assistance to those in need
Contact: Carol Kunkel, [email protected]; Patricia Cummins (270) 935-5159
Meetings: 4th Monday of each month at 6pm in the Library
St. Gianna Crisis Pregnancy Home
Purpose: to safeguard the life of the unborn child and the dignity of the child's mother, while offering a path forward to independence through support, resources and spiritual guidance.
Contact: 270-702-4984, [email protected] or [email protected]
Meetings: Board meetings on the 2nd Monday of each month
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA) – Open Meetings
Purpose: to assist those recovering from alcoholism
Meetings: each Monday and Friday, 6:00-7pm in Wonder & Awe
Purpose: to assist family members affected by the disease of alcoholism and/or drug abuse
Meetings: each Monday and Friday, 6:00-7pm, in Peace and each Saturday, 10:00-11am, in Kindness
Habitat for Humanity
Purpose: to provide assistance in building homes for those in need
Contact: David Shanahan, (270) 842-7944
Interfaith M.E.A.L.S., Inc.
Purpose: provide nourishing meals to those in need
Contact: Karen Stringer (270) 779-0359
Meetings: We cook & deliver meals every sixth Saturday morning
Room in the Inn
Purpose: to provide overnight shelter at Holy Spirit’s facility in conjunction with other local churches
Contact: Carol Kunkel, [email protected]; Kirsten Knutson (951) 532-0840
International Outreach Committee
Purpose: to assist with the needs of refugees and immigrants within our parish
Contact: Jan Lange, (270) 535-5589; Fr. Martin Ling (270) 842-7777 x118
Newcomers Committee
Purpose: to welcome new members of our parish via parish tours and welcome luncheons
Contact: Sally Gough, (256) 724-0999
Meetings: as needed
Transportation Ministry
Purpose: to provide transportation to Mass for our refugee communities
Contact: Kelly Lewis (270) 842-7777 x104
Contact: Allison Steen-Baker, (270) 842-7777 x106 or [email protected]
Click here to learn more about upcoming Young Adult Events
Young Adult Bible Study
Purpose: to provide faith formation and fellowship for young adults
Meetings: weekly – varies based on times/seasons of the year
Theology on Tap
Purpose: to provide an opportunity for young adults to meet and learn about theology from amazing speakers while enjoying drink specials at local venues
Meetings: quarterly – times/dates/locations vary- see bulletin or website for details
Young Adult Core Team
Purpose: to serve and meet the needs of young adults in our parish using innovative and new ways
Meetings: monthly
Catholic Moms Group
Purpose: to gather as mothers to discuss faith and life, and to support each other
Meetings: weekly – times/dates vary
BG Catholics Young Adult Group
Holy Spirit Young Adult Ministry is for people ages 18-40 and engages young adults in spiritual and social activities to encourage continued Catholic formation. Young Adult Ministry is always looking for fun ways to get together with our fellow Catholic young adults and create innovative ways to experience these formative years together. Keep an eye out for our events including (but no limited to) Scripture Social, Theology on Tap, bible studies, Moms groups, and other programming and activities tailored for people in this life stage. If you would like to participate, please call Allison at 842-7777 x106 or send an email to [email protected]. Check us out on Facebook or join our GroupMe!
St. Meinrad Young Adult Initiative
Saint Meinrad Seminary and School of Theology was awarded a grant from the Lilly Foundation to help find out why churches across every denomination are losing young people. Specifically, Saint Meinrad’s mission is to respond to the challenge of connecting today’s young adults, ages 23-29, with Catholic parishes. The primary goal is to engage with young adults and design innovative ministries to effectively meet their spiritual needs. In 2018, Holy Spirit was one of 12 parishes east of the Mississippi to be selected by St. Meinrad. Over the last few years we have been receiving grant funding to facilitate the development of new and innovative strategies, programs, and services to meet the needs of young adults in our area. Much has happened over the last few years and we have been selected as one of FIVE parishes to continue receiving funding from St. Meinrad in the second phase of the grant. Below is a link so you can stay up-to-date with information about how the St Meinrad Young Adult Initiative is going! - click here to go to the January 2023 Newsletter!
Our Leadership Teams
Purpose: adult group that supports, facilitates, plans and prays for the high school youth group
Meetings: once a month or as needed
Purpose: made up of selected high school youth to plan, organize, and present events when Senior High and Junior High are combined
Meetings: as needed
Purpose: to support, plan, and facilitate the Confirmation process for teens
Meetings: monthly and/or as needed
Purpose: to help facilitate the annual Confirmation Retreat (Click here to apply to be on the 2024 Confirmation Retreat Team)
Meetings: in July & August as announced and/or determined by the team