What does it mean to be a parish member?
Parish membership is about involvement within the Catholic Christian community so as to foster and strengthen our love of God and one another — our life in Christ. The community, the people of the church, are the embodiment of the Body of Christ. We, as Catholic Christians, experience Christ’s presence in both the Eucharist and through our relationships with one another. Membership, therefore, is a commitment to our relationship with God the Father, Christ His Son, the Holy Spirit and one another.
Why register as a member with Holy Spirit Parish?
Registration is the official way to join the parish community. You may assume that because you attend Mass here, that automatically makes you a member. Membership, however, requires formally enrolling yourself in the parish. And it is so much more than just filling out some forms. Registration is a commitment to your life in Christ, to our community, and a way to be included in the religious, social and ministerial activities of the parish. It is a statement of belonging.
Registration not only shows you belong, but is also necessary for certain benefits like:
Your registration also affects the parish in a multitude of ways:
Census numbers assist in determining how many priests are assigned to our parish, what benefits and obligations we have to the diocese, and how many Masses and programs are planned and scheduled.
Committing to a parish is much like a commitment to a family, school or community organization. Just like you want the parish to be there to provide Masses, Sacraments, education programs and ministries, the parish needs to be able to count on you to help and assist us in fulfilling our mission; we need you to be an active member.
Are you registered with us? One way to know is if you receive regular communications from us, such as offertory envelopes, mailings or emails. If you do not receive at least one of these, then perhaps you are not registered here; you may want to check with the parish office staff to verify whether you are registered or not.
Do you wish to register? You may register online or by picking up a registration packet at the welcome desk in the narthex the next weekend you are at Mass, or in the parish office.
Registering in the parish is a statement of faith and confidence in the life and work of our parish. As parish members, we are all here to help each other on our spiritual journey; we don’t want to do this alone. Let us join together as brothers and sisters in Christ, share in each others lives and in the life of Christ.