Our next Koinonia will be held in February 21-23 of 2025. You may register below OR download the registration form. This retreat is $50 per person which covers 6 meals plus all retreat materials. Scholarships are available if needed; simply contact our Pastoral Associate, Raeanne Allande, in the parish office. Need to know more before registering? Read more below.
Purpose of the Koinonia Movement:
Koinonia is a Greek word that means fellowship, community, or participation. St. Paul uses the term to designate the vital union
of the faithful that arises from their union with Christ. Koinonia strives to unify the parish community by providing the opportunity for adults to:
How Koinonia Works:
A Koinonia Retreat is lead by a Lay Director and a team of lay people who have attended a Koinonia Retreat. A priest and pastoral minister serve as Spiritual Directors. The “Team” has gone through many weeks of formation and preparation for this particular weekend. The retreat focuses on the Paschal Mystery - the passion, death, and resurrection – of Jesus and its meaning in each person’s life. The weekend allows each person to hear Christ’s call, experience change in his/her life; it challenges us to live each day according to God’s will, and provides support to meet that challenge. The weekend consists of talks, discussions, liturgical and Para-liturgical celebrations, experiences of hope, faith and community. After the retreat, opportunities for further community experiences are provided. Although each weekend follows the same structure, each one is unique because of the personalities and experience of those present.
The Koinonia Retreat starts Friday at 5:00pm and concludes Sunday at 5:00pm. Participants return to their homes each night. Dress is casual. All Adult members, 18 and older, of the parish are encouraged to attend. Non-Catholics who have a relationship with Holy Spirit Parish or a Holy Spirit parishioner are welcome! Register today!