Find out about having my child baptized? Contact our Pastoral Associate, Raeanne Allande, at 270-842-7777 ext. 105 to arrange the Sacrament of Baptism for your child. You and the Godparents of the child are required to attend baptismal preparation sessions. You are best served by participating several months in advance of adoption or delivery of your child.
Find out about getting my child registered for Faith Formation Stations or First Sacraments? Contact our Director of Children's Formation, Allison Steen-Baker at 270-842-7777 ext. 106 to receive registration forms and arrange for enrollment.
Get my child (7th grade or above) confirmed? Contact our Youth Minister, Nick Mang, at 270-842-7777 ext. 102 to receive a confirmation registration form. Confirmation classes are offered on select Sunday evenings.
Schedule a Mass intention? A Mass intention is a way to remember a deceased loved one or friend. It is also a way to celebrate in thanksgiving or praise a special date or anniversary. To schedule a Mass intention please call our LIturgy Director/Pastoral Ministry Assistant, Kelly Lewis, at 270-842-7777 ext. 104.
Schedule the church for a wedding? Contact Kelly Lewis at 270-842-7777 ext. 104 to schedule your appointment with a parish priest to begin marriage preparation. This needs to be done 9 to 12 months prior to your wedding date. No discussions of dates or arrangements for weddings may take place until you meet with a parish priest.
Find out about becoming Catholic? OCIA classes (inquiry sessions) are held on Thursday evenings. Please call the parish office 270-842-7777 for details or with any questions.
Put something in the bulletin? Email your request to [email protected]. The deadline is Friday at noon – nine days before the bulletin date.
Have my church tithe or debt-retirement contributions deducted electronically? Sign up online or call Leslie Pfingston at 270-842-7777 x103
Update my address, phone number or email address? Notify us online or call Leslie Pfingston in the parish office at 270-842-7777 x103.
Register as a member at Holy Spirit Catholic parish? You may register online, or pick up a new member registration packet the next time you are at the church. Registration packets are available in the Narthex at the welcome station and in the parish office.